The days of running a law firm solely for financial gains are gone. As a lawyer, you can make environmental and social impacts in your immediate community. Despite not being a legal obligation, getting involved in your local area demonstrates social responsibility. Moreover, contributing to the development of the place where you operate makes for a good business strategy.
Of course, whilst it shouldn’t be what drives you to give back to your community, don’t forget that the local citizens account for a significant proportion of your clientele. When they see how committed you are to their broader social issues, they tend to reciprocate by patronizing your law firm.
Beyond increasing their profit margins, lawyers should make a habit of using their skill sets to impact their communities. Below are some great ways that lawyers can get involved with their communities.
- Help with advocacy and fundraising efforts.
Advocating for the rights and privileges of people living in your community is an effective way of getting involved. It shows that you care about the things that matter to them, rather than just making money. You can host charity events, fundraise, or use your position to spread advocacy.
You can also emulate the likes of Malliha Wilson—co-chair of the annual Comdu.it fundraising gala. Born in Colombo, Sri Lanka, her human rights advocacy efforts in her native Tamil community are commendable. Thanks to her, Comdu.it has achieved sustainable development in certain parts of Sri Lanka.
It’s also worth noting that Malliha was the erstwhile Assistant Deputy Attorney General of the Government of Ontario from 2008-2016. Before that, she had a 30-year stint as a litigator for the Ontario Government. During her time as a litigation counsel, she participated in more than 20 landmark cases at the Ontario Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of Canada. Upon leaving the government, Malliha co-formed Nava Wilson LLP law firm as a senior partner.
Despite being so successful, she doesn’t pass up a chance to show her steadfast commitment to issues bothering the Tamil people.
- Regularly organize pro bono programs.
As a lawyer, you can regularly provide legal services to your community members that can’t afford them. Pro bono representation makes you a more valuable and respected member of the community. Beyond that, it allows you to practice other aspects of law, learn new terminologies and legal analysis.
Participating in pro bono programs helps you to develop some essential skills unrelated to your substantive practice area. You can organize a pro bono program or get involved in any that impact the lives of people living in your community. You can also invite professionals to assist you in providing free and quality legal representation to those who are less privileged.
- Participate in community events and volunteer work.
Being a part of community events and initiatives is an effective way of building a solid presence in your community. You can also carry out volunteer work in areas beyond the legal scope. You can teach at a community high school or sign up with non-profit organizations with interests in the community. You don’t necessarily have to volunteer for organizations or non-profits; you can lend a hand to a worthy cause carried out by anyone in your community.
The upside of doing volunteer work is that it can also double as your marketing strategy. Nowadays, lawyers get to meet prospective clients at volunteer events. Additionally, organizations they have worked with in the past can also refer people to them.
All in all, getting involved with the community is rewarding for both your business and the community. Even better is the fact that all the above-mentioned tips are pretty effortless and inexpensive.