The manufacturing industry is fast-paced and nonstop, and when we say nonstop, it’s meant in the most literal sense. Many manufacturers operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year! With competition being so stiff and the customer demand being so great, having extended downtimes due to equipment malfunctions is a nonstarter.
When dealing with heavy-duty machine tools like CNC machines, you invest a lot of money in your equipment, and you’d be wise to take excellent care of your investments. Small cracks, leaks, and clogs can turn into production-ending disasters unexpectedly if you fail to properly maintain your production systems. Continue reading to get some tips to help you extend the life span of your equipment.
Retrofit old machinery.
As you’re well aware, manufacturing equipment can be extremely costly, especially with all the capabilities newer machines offer. If you’re the owner of a small manufacturing company, coming up with the capital to replace your old machines might not be in the realm of possibility. However, by retrofitting your old equipment with new parts, you can lengthen its life span and increase its efficiency.
For instance, if you have an old CNC machine, putting a new CNC on it instead of replacing it would save you a great deal of money and vastly improve your CNC cutting machine. Sometimes the best way to upgrade is with new parts instead of new machines. So if you’re running a manufacturing operation on a tight budget, you should consider letting professionals like the technicians upgrade your machines with CNC control retrofits for your old CNC machine rather than replacing it.
Regularly inspect the machinery.
Heavy-duty equipment uses a lot of energy and has a lot of moving parts—not to mention the power with which those parts move. If you don’t regularly inspect your equipment, there’s a good chance you’ll miss something small that could turn into a large problem.
Even something as small as corrosion on an old pipe could be enough to shut down operations for a day, but with regular and thorough inspections, you can preemptively address problems. Another great way to stay on top of potential problems is to use predictive analytics software to forecast what type of maintenance your machines will need and when. With that kind of intel on your side, you can schedule your cast iron pipe repair well in advance of actually needing it.
Offer top-level machinery training.
If you’ve been in the manufacturing industry for any length of time, you know that human error can be equipment’s worst enemy. Many of the most devastating machine malfunctions have been caused by the neglect of unknowledgeable or neglectful humans.
One of the best ways to extend the life of your equipment is to make sure your employees receive the best training possible on your machines before putting them to work. It’s equally important to make training a part of your culture to make sure your employees never get too comfortable and start to slack in their attention to detail.
You also need to implement a system of accountability to keep track of who used what machinery and when. The better the training and the more accountability you have for your employees, the better it will be for your equipment.
Implement a maintenance schedule.
Could you imagine how long your car would last if you never got an oil change or a tune-up? Under those circumstances, your vehicle wouldn’t last a year. The same is true of your operational equipment.
Scheduling regular maintenance of your machines is one of the most simple yet important parts of extending the life of your machines. Furthermore, it will help you to avoid a small common problem that tends to turn into a serious problem in the long run.
The lifespan of your machines and the lifespan of your business are tightly knit. As expensive as manufacturing equipment is, you owe it to yourself to maintain your investment.