Why do many people buy cutlets, dumplings and other semi-finished products – are they tastier than homemade food? Why do they drink tea in bags, is it worse than leaf tea? Many families no longer cook anything at home, but only reheat semi-finished products. This food is often tasteless and unhealthy, but it is more convenient for them. And this harmful eating pattern is inherited by their children and grandchildren.
Eating healthy food is the thing that most of the people suppose essential to eat, but few are adequately persistent to stick to it. Healthy eating has been taken into importance by a lot of knowledgeable people who are aware of the effect of junk food on human health. Most of the poor people often prefer easily available foods and fast food or junk food, which leads to health problems and obesity and they don’t even mind healthy food vs junk food.
Plus Point of Eating Healthy
Every doctor suggests regarding what to eat. Rather than this, I would love to mention why most of the people eat the wrong food and how it can be changed. The purpose of this article is to provide the science behind the food and tactics essential for you to get the desired results https://edaslav.com/.
Almost every person is aware of the benefits of eating healthy and the benefits of consuming good nutrition. You get more energy, our health improves, and immunity boosts. Consuming good and healthy diet plays an important role in getting a healthy figure, which ended up to reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes, cancers, heart problems, high blood pressure, and a host of other medical conditions (genetics also play an important role. I’m not crazy who thinks that genes have nothing to do with it).
But if there are so many factors behind eating healthy, then why is it seems impossible to embrace it? In order to find the answer to this question, we ought to begin by knowing the fact why do we love fast food even if we know it is not good for our health.
Why do we love Junk Food?
When you decide to eat junk food in the fight of healthy vs junk food, two factors appear in front of us that defines the pleasure you experience.
First is the feeling of eating. It includes flavor (salty, sweet, etc.), aroma, and how our taste buds react to the food. Food companies spend millions of dollars to find the best crunch level in potato chips. Scientists calculate the ideal amount of gas in soda. These elements combine to create a sensation in your brain associated with a particular food or drink.
The second factor is the actual macronutrient composition of the food – the mixture of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that it contains. In the case of fast food, manufacturers are looking for the best combination of salt, sugar, and fat that excites your brain and keeps it coming back again and again.